Cision Websolutions

Quality & Environment

Quality policy

•  We must listen to our customers to understand their needs and build trust that allows us to provide products and solutions that meet their requirements.
•  We must work according to our value "Right from me" and take personal responsibility to increase our customers' and suppliers' satisfaction and thus contribute to a higher quality both in product and relationship.

•  We are committed to meeting applicable requirements and working to continually improve our management system.
•  Through our values and our commitment to total quality, we implement continuous improvements to meet our customers' demands and expectations.
•  We must set clear measurable quality goals and continuously follow up on these.
•  All the work we do is proof of our competence and a recommendation for future business.
•  All employees are responsible for quality.


Environmental policy

•  The business must be conducted in such a way that natural resources are preserved and the environment is protected.
•  We will work to reduce our environmental impact and carry out annual revisions through the Ecovadis tool.
•  We must follow rules and legislation, constantly work on improvements to reduce or prevent our environmental impact based on a life cycle perspective - from construction to delivery to grave.
•  All employees have responsibility for the environment.


Sustainability report

AQ M-Tech sustainability report 2022.pdf



ISO9001 2023.pdf

ISO14001 2023.pdf